发表于 2013-3-6 21:21:19
It seems that the white list register is now open,you can have a try
发表于 2013-3-6 21:36:24
Welcome to the " MyCraft "
I represent the PT welcome your arrival
By the way, my English is not good
发表于 2013-3-6 21:40:57
huan ying guanglin a wai guo de da ge{:4_133:}
发表于 2013-3-6 22:09:55
在景区里的外国人也不少 法国人真心没见过真的
发表于 2013-3-6 22:18:51
Merci 及阿里克斯!
发表于 2013-3-7 09:35:44
其实在手艺我旅行时遇到过很多个外国人了, 我记得还有一个是保加利亚的。。? 换图之前的事了
发表于 2013-3-7 10:41:56
^ ^小天不是在学英语?叫他来交流交流。{:4_138:}
Welcome~Haven't touch English for ages ...{:4_134:}
发表于 2013-3-7 14:38:59
Hi Hankmoody, welcome.
Glad to hear you like Chinese style buildings.
Oh, and I'm Lance, you can remember me as "Lancelot" in "Knights of the Round Table". :P
I have seen your work after this post, that's very impressive that I have to say, you're good at it, I do think so specially after I knew that you even havn't visit China.
You can download our map on this bbs, visit the link:
We're a good team, with a lot of good boys(and few girls :P) who love minecraft and Chinese culture, we work in groups, some of them make the shape of buildings, some of them make trees, some of them make fitments, and we even have our music maker / cartoon picture maker.
We hope our work can be shown to all the world but not only in China. Language is one of our problem, and another one is we're not good u2b users. Not many people can found our movie on u2b, that's very sad for me. :,(
So if you can, please teach us how to let others found our movie on u2b, as many as we can do; and also please share our movie to your friends if you like it. Thanks :).
And, forgive my bad grammar and wrong spelling.{:4_144:}
发表于 2013-3-7 21:40:37
Hi Lancelot du Lac!
I'll be happy to help for building and sharing your work in Europe!
I have few tips (base on my experience) of how to make project famous on planetminecraft, and youtube.
The LJ timelapse video is really good, one of the best i've seen so far, and not enough view on youtube or pmc, it has potential to go viral.
I can be like your community manager for europe hehe {:4_144:}
发表于 2013-3-7 22:19:08
Hankmoody 发表于 2013-3-7 22:02 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi Lancelot du Lac!
I'll be happy to help for building and sharing your work in Europe!
I have few t ...
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