wangpai 发表于 2014-7-27 06:01:28

神马时候出啊   期待

优胜美地 发表于 2014-7-27 19:05:23

优胜美地 发表于 2014-7-25 09:46
Wooooooh!Very nice!Wish there would be Deutsch in it!

And I'm using Mac,the Apple Computer,can you use Objective-C to write it?I can help you!

215734927 发表于 2014-7-27 20:07:05

本帖最后由 215734927 于 2014-7-27 13:11 编辑

优胜美地 发表于 2014-7-27 12:05
And I'm using Mac,the Apple Computer,can you use Objective-C to write it?I can help you!
Ha,thanks for your eagerness : ),but I think we will achieve it with java,because Minecraft is achieved by that.It might be so hard...But we haven't better idea,if you have idea about how can achieve it in Minecraft with Objective-C,please contact with me : )
My E-mail adress :
My QQ number : 215734927
My Twitter accont : @MartinLiu8

kardy 发表于 2014-7-28 00:06:42


weixiang 发表于 2014-7-28 01:34:27


癫子。 发表于 2014-7-28 12:52:23

我草草草草 好屌215君    我开了个论坛 手艺不用这种板式 就让我的论坛用吧{:4_131:}

圣骑士耍小刀 发表于 2014-7-28 13:18:28


情义丨神话 发表于 2014-8-2 18:15:49


Addams 发表于 2014-8-9 01:20:18

215大大,果然不同反响,我还要在练几年 AWA

Addams 发表于 2014-8-10 09:53:39

癫子。 发表于 2014-7-28 12:52
我草草草草 好屌215君    我开了个论坛 手艺不用这种板式 就让我的论坛用吧 ...

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